Jaw Dislocation/Reduction

Invasive Procedure Consent Form
Time Out Form

Equipment Requirements

Classic reduction technique (from emedicine)
The patient in a sitting position,
the physician stands facing the patient
The physician’s thumbs, wrapped in gauze, are placed on inferior molars bilaterally as far back as possible while the fingers are curved beneath the angle and the mandible.
Downward, backward pressure on the mandible causing the mouth to slightly open disengaging the condyle from the anterior eminence and allowing it to be positioned back into the mandibular fossa.

Other Procedure Choices:

Recumbent approach
Wrist pivot method
Ipsilateral approach

Procedure Note:
Indication: Jaw Dislocation


Patient was evaluated and required dislocation reduction for above reason. Consent was(?)was not obtained and a time-out was(?)was not completed verifying correct patient, procedure, site, positioning. The patient was placed in appropriate position for reduction. The jaw was reduced using the classic reduction technique.

Patient tolerated the procedure well and there were no complications